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Principle of heat pump-refrigerant

Pulished on Nov. 14, 2019

⑷ R-134a (code: R134a)

Molecular formula : CH 2 FCF 3 (tetrafluoroethane)

②Molecular weight: 102.03

③Boiling point: -26.26 ° C

④Freezing point: -96.6 °C

⑤Critical temperature: 101.1 °C

⑥Critical pressure: 4067kpa

⑦Saturated liquid density: 25 ° C, 1.207 g / cm 3

⑧Specific heat of liquid: 25 ° C, 1.51 KJ / (Kg · ° C)

⑨Solubility (25 ° C in water) : 0.15%

Critical density: 0.512g/cm3

Destruction of ozone potential (ODP): 0

⑫Global Warming Coefficient (GWP): 0.29

⑬Evaporation potential at boiling point: 215 kJ/kg

⑭Quality index : Purity ≥ 99.9 %

⑮Water PPm≤ 0.0010

⑯Acidity PPm≤ 0.00001

⑰Evaporation residue PPm ≤ 0.01


    R134a is an alternative refrigerant to R12, and many of its properties are very similar to those of R12.R134a is a very safe refrigerant with very low toxicity and is non-flammable in air. The safety category is A1.

    R134a has good chemical stability.Because its water solubility is higher than R22, a small amount of water will produce acid, carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide under the action of lubricating oil, etc., which will corrode metals or produce "copper plating".Therefore R134a requires higher drying and cleaning of the system.

 R134a is one of the internationally recognized refrigerants that can replace CFC-12. It is commonly used in automotive air conditioning, commercial and industrial refrigeration systems, and as a blowing agent for the production of hard plastic insulation materials.It can also be used to configure other mixed refrigerants such as R 404a and R 407c.


⑸ R-404A refrigerant

    Physicochemical properties:R404A is a chlorine-free non-azeotropic refrigerant mixture, which is a colorless gas at normal temperature and pressure.The compressed liquefied gas is stored in a cylinder.Its ODP is 0, so R404A is an environmentally friendly refrigerant that does not damage the atmospheric ozone layer.R404A is mainly used to replace R22 and R502. It has the characteristics of clean, low toxicity, non-combustible and good cooling effect. It is widely used in medium and low temperature refrigeration systems.


⑹ R-410A refrigerant

    Physicochemical properties:R410A is a chlorine-free fluoroalkane non-azeotropic refrigerant mixture, which is a colorless gas at normal temperature and pressure.The compressed liquefied gas is stored in a cylinder.Its ODP is 0, so R410A is an environmentally friendly refrigerant that does not damage the atmospheric ozone layer.

 The main purpose:R410A is mainly used to replace R22 and R502. It has the characteristics of clean, low toxicity, non-combustible, good cooling effect, etc. It is widely used in household air conditioners, small commercial air conditioners, household central air conditioners, etc.

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